IMPROVE YOUR MARRIAGE - Don't Overlook The Obvious

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It probably
The same thing
When you
Do something

I cannot believe that you put the book on those documents! Now, they have 'pressure marks on them!
 You complain to me for leaving on the television when I 'm not in the room. But, you left on the bathroom light!
Didn't I ask you to pay the bill at the Westerly branch? If I wanted you to pay it at the Warwick branch, I would have said so!
Didn't you notice the pot boiling on the stove? You were sitting at the kitchen table, for crying out loud?
You always find a way to ruin every holiday! - But I was simply trying to... - I don't want to hear it! You always do this to us...

Obviously, we know intellectually that no one is perfect. And, yet, we often act as if our spouses should be. At least when it comes to anything involving our needs, requests, expectations, or even 'veiled' demands.
We somehow have zero-tolerance when it comes to those who matter most. - But, we want definite slack given to us when we err. And, we rationalize it by saying that we had too much on our mind. Or, that we were multi-tasking. Or, that the 'transgression' was not that important. Or, that we never knew the correct way, to begin with, and should therefore not be held responsible for the actions.

Reality is that we often hate to admit any faults. And, simply wish our spouses to be perfect. At least, in ways that matter to us. And, the worst offenders are the most adept at defending their egregious actions.
Well, stop. And, think carefully before you open your mouth again, in such a manner. Because everyone has a limit to their patience. - And, your mistakes are as glaring to them. So someone needs to be 'the Grownup' and be a role model.

'Nuff said!

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Don't Overlook The Obvious
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